Youth Employment in the Mediterranean

Project Duration
2018 - 2020
€2 million
Learn more about the project

Countries covered:

  • Algeria
  • Israel
  • Jordan
  • Lebanon
  • Libya
  • Morocco
  • Palestine *
  • Tunisia

Brief Description

The Youth Employment in the Mediterranean (YEM) project is a three-year regional initiative implemented by UNESCO, which aims at improving skills anticipation systems and promoting technical and vocational education and training (TVET). Its goal is also to strengthen youth employment and encourage entrepreneurship in the Mediterranean region. YEM builds on the achievements of the Employment component, including the skills anticipation approaches, of the inter-sectorial Networks of Mediterranean Youth project (NET-MED Youth), also funded by the EU in 2014-2018.

Countries covered: Algeria, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia.


The overall objective of YEM is to support national authorities, together with the private sector, the TVET providers and the youth organizations in the South Mediterranean region, in understanding and anticipating labour market changes with a view to inform the design, implementation and evaluation of relevant TVET policies, strategies and programmes, aimed at increasing youth employment and entrepreneurship.

For all beneficiary countries, the focus of YEM is to promote the implementation of effective collection and use of information on skills needs, to turn them into relevant policy actions and programmes, and to help establish appropriate governance arrangements to ensure good coordination across the key stakeholders, both within the beneficiary countries and across the South Mediterranean region.

Actions in brief

– YEM will support the mapping of existing tools for skills needs anticipation in the region and support the development and implementation of any additional instruments to reinforce inclusive skills governance and capacity building with partner institutions and other relevant stakeholders, including the private sector and youth organisations.

– The results of the skills anticipation exercise will provide information about growing sectors, and pathways in TVET, as well as gender equality issues. They will also serve to support sectoral coordination and planning through the production and use of sector profiles. YEM will also produce appropriate guidelines, resources and policy recommendations on mainstreaming entrepreneurship, work-based learning and digital skills in curricula, based on the mapping of innovative experiences across the region. The project will furthermore support their implementation.

– A Regional Platform will be established for cooperation, peer-learning and knowledge-sharing of best practices for effective governance of skills anticipation systems. The aim is to connect UNESCO Member states and to develop and strengthen technical and vocational education and training.

The results will be documented and disseminated, and annual regional fora will allow for further exchanges among key actors in the region, to deepen the understanding of different policy drivers and emerging trends in skills needs in the region, with particular focus on green and digital economies.

Education Employment & Entrepreneurship Sustainable Development Youth