CMI-FEMISE COVID-19 MED BRIEF 2 – Responsive transportation-oriented policies for the MED region in the face of Covid-19

October 2, 2020
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The transportation sector is exposed to significant paradigm shifts and financial difficulties due to the Covid-19 epidemic in Mediterranean countries as well as all over the world. In particular, public transportation is struggling worldwide, with reduced passenger load factors of 50% to 90%.

To address this issue, this brief aims to provide sustainable transportation policies for the region. It develops these policies by introducing the following structure:
• effects of the epidemic on transportation,
• detailed observations from Tunisia and Turkey,
• potentials discovered, such as bicycle & pedestrian-friendly urban streets and green recovery packages, throughout the process,
• Avoid-Shift-Improve Approach, regional limitations and a comprehensive transport responsive model against Covid-19.

The recent coronavirus crisis threatens the health, economies and societies of all countries. In Southern and Eastern Mediterranean countries, the fight against the pandemic is even more complicated. Cooperation and EU-Med strategies in key sectors are needed. Therefore, the Center for Mediterranean Integration (CMI) and FEMISE join forces and launch their joint series of Policy Briefs called “COVID-19 MED BRIEFS” to pave the way for thematic analyses and policy relevant recommendations.