EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa – 2020 Annual Report

March 26, 2021
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The 2020 Annual Report of the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa (EUTF for Africa) has just been published.

The EUTF for Africa was set up to help the most vulnerable and marginalised people, including refugees, internally displaced people, migrants and members of the host communities.

In its fifth year, the EUTF for Africa has continued to addressing urgent development and security needs to ensure long-term stability and sustainable development. In doing so, it has supported partner countries’ efforts through a number of actions improving access to basic services, and facilitating employment, in particular for young people. It has also worked along cross-border areas to stem conflict and boost economic development, and has contributed to pioneering the Global Compact on Refugees, reinforcing the humanitarian development-peace nexus. Throughout the year, the EUTF for Africa has produced new concrete and tangible results in the different areas of work that are highlighted in chapter 2 of this Report.

Chapter 3 and 4 present the financial report for 2020 and provide an overview of the management and internal control systems in place.

EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa - 2020 Annual Report