On the occasion of the International Day of Women in Science (February 11), the EU Neighbours South programme designed and launched a campaign to raise awareness about the inequalities faced by women in the field of science.
The campaign started on February 11 and ended on March 8 to mark International Women's Day. In the frame of this campaign, a high volume of content was produced and published on social media and/or on the website:
- A video teaser
- A Facebook cover to launch the campaign
- E-cards featuring women from the Southern Neighbourhood working in science who have benefitted from EU support, as well as a video recap of all the profiles. Read all #WomenInScience e-cards here.
- EU-cards highlighting inspiring quotes from representatives and partners from the EU
- An article and a video were produced in partnership with Capacity4Dev showcasing women in science who benefited from EU support as part of The Next Society project