Mayes Najjar

I am Mayes, a graduate in information and communication technology management from Iset’com Technopole El Ghazela. Currently, I’m pursuing a professional master’s in Connected Marketing and Digital Communication at ISG Tunis, while holding the role of account manager at our audiovisual production company, ARTRIP. My engagement in the community began at a young age at the local youth house, which fueled my development and led me to several local clubs, such as the Tunisian Federation of Amateur Filmmakers FTCA Hammam Ghezaz.


In 2016, I co-founded AOC, an association aimed at cultural preservation and youth promotion in Hammam El Ghezaz. Now, I serve as the Vice President National for JCET, overseeing eleven local member organizations across Tunisia. My role includes guiding, motivating, and bridging the information gap between these organizations and the national office.

Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.
Elizabeth Andrew,
Culture Youth