Clima-Med workshop for Palestinian cities highlights their commitment and resilience.

May 28, 2024
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Despite the political pressures and challenges of their daily lives, 20 mayors and representatives of Palestinian municipalities, along with 19 online participants, attended the event on “Raising the Capacities of Municipalities to Plan and Implement Climate Projects in Palestine.”

Mr Omar Sharkia, Assistant Undersecretary for Engineering Affairs at the Ministry of Local Government-Palestine, opened the session by underlining the country’s commitment to prioritising its climate vision. He highlighted the role of Clima-Med in developing their Energy and Climate Action Plans, together with 10 cities, which have been included in the cities’ strategic development plans.


Mr Thibaut Moyer, Deputy Head of Cooperation at the 🇪🇺 EU Delegation of Jordan, expressed his appreciation for the large number of participants who travelled to Jordan to discuss the role of municipalities in climate action. He announced the development of a number of financial instruments—guarantees, facilities, special windows—in cooperation with financial institutions to de-risk and facilitate investment in climate action and added, “This is all about partnership—Sharaka,” pointing to the continuous partnership between the EU and Palestine on environmental and climate change

Countries covered:

  • Palestine *