CREACT4MED Call For Nominations Of Cultural And Creative Best Practices In The Southern Mediterranean

August 7, 2023
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The first pillar of the CREACT4MED project is a comprehensive mapping exercise of the CCI ecosystem in Southern Mediterranean Countries. The aim of this exercise is to identify the key figures, actors, initiatives, cultural infrastructures, opportunities, and threats in each of the territories, with a view to uncovering and raising awareness of unexploited entrepreneurship and employment opportunities and developing appropriate support initiatives and policy recommendations.


As part of the mapping pillar of the CREACT4MED project,a call for nominations of Best Practice (BP) examples in cultural and creative entrepreneurship, ecosystem enablement and local and regional cooperation in the Southern Mediterranean has been launched.


The overall objective of this call is to identify, engage with and promote examples of Best Practice (BP) that have the potential to boost CCI entrepreneurship and enhance sustainable and inclusive growth in the Mediterranean region.

The specific objectives of the call are:

1.   To identify examples of BP in terms of cultural and creative entrepreneurship, ecosystem enablement and local and regional cooperation in the Southern Mediterranean.

2.   To acknowledge and celebrate the examples of BP identified; engage with their promotors; and award a prize to the best examples from each country during the final project event.

3.    To facilitate access to knowledge and promote the use and replication of successful practices with applicability and transferability potential by creating a public repository of data.


In order to apply for Best Practice nomination, applicants are invited to complete the Online Application Form available here. The call for Best Practice application is open until the 31st October 2023 for applicants from Southern Mediterranean countries.

For more information

Countries covered:

  • Algeria
  • Egypt
  • Israel
  • Jordan
  • Lebanon
  • Libya
  • Morocco
  • Palestine *
  • Syria *
  • Tunisia