EDU-SYRIA follow-up meeting at the Luminus Jordan Start (LJS) site

June 4, 2024
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EDU-SYRIA arranged a follow-up meeting at the Luminus Jordan Start (LJS) site in Irbid, for the currently incubated teams of the Entrepreneurship Scholarship Program (ETSP), on Thursday 16th of May 2024. This meeting was conducted by Dr. Sameer Al-Dahidi, EDU-SYRIA Program Coordinator & Quality Assurance Manager; and in the presence of representatives from Luminus Jordan Start, Ms. Huda Obeidat, Project Operation Manager, and Mr. Muhannad Yassen, Incubation Officer at Luminus Jordan Start, and 9 ETSP incubated teams; to follow up on the progress of each team and discuss their future plans.

The ETSP targets Syrian refugee and vulnerable Jordanian entrepreneurs to turn their ideas, in manufacturing, handicrafts, and service-based hardware with other related services, into actual businesses that could serve the local community.

Throughout the discussion, Dr. Al-Dahidi paid attention to the teams’ observations and made notes regarding their questions to be followed up further in the near future.

It is noteworthy that EDU-SYRIA has already provided funding to 30 teams and plans to provide funding to an additional 10 teams in order to enroll 40 teams, consisting of 3-4 of a combination of vulnerable Jordanians and Syrian refugees in each team. The ETSP targets entrepreneurs with promising ideas in manufacturing, handicrafts, and service-based hardware with other related services, which take place through the Leading Business Accelerator in Jordan “Luminus Jordan Start”, that enables them to confidently enter and navigate the business world, with access to FabLab Irbid – a state-of-the-art manufacturing space – the first of its kind in Jordan and one of the 20 largest digital fabrication laboratories in the world.

For more information

Countries covered:

  • Jordan
  • Syria *