A dynamic conversation with experts took place during ETF’s livestreamed event on 15 September on non-formal and informal learning.
Anna Kahlson from the Swedish national agency for higher vocational education, Michel Aribaud, an expert in qualifications systems and training, and Maria Rosenstock, who supports validation of informal and non-formal learning in EU neighbouring countries for ETF, discussed with ETF’s Maria Lvova the differences between informal and non-formal learning, the validation process, and its benefits, and took interesting questions from a global audience.
The difference between non-formal and informal learning was underlined, the first being organized learning outside the framework of formal education, while the latter is unplanned learning that individuals acquire every day on the job.
In EU neighbouring countries, said Maria Rosenstock, there are many issues related to the recognition of these validations and their worth in the labour market. Moreover, in many countries the question must be asked if the quality of the formal education is even good enough? Formal education needs reform and must be labour-market relevant.
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