MedRiSSE project held an open international event entitled “Meeting synergies: to strengthen links between capitalised projects to maximise replication of best practices in Mediterranean countries”.
Asamblea de Cooperación por la Paz (ACPP), lead beneficiary of MedRISSE project, organised this event in the city of Seville, Spain, on Tuesday 7th November. It offered a friendly and intimate space to facilitate the rapprochement and exchange of synergies between the project partners, capitalised project partners, stakeholders and interested citizens attending the meeting.
The synergy-building time between partners and participants started with partners’ thematic pills on different topics raised during the last phase of MedRiSSE project. ARCO explained how replication toolkits and roadmaps can contribute to future works; TCSE spoke about webinars and innovative events, lessons learnt and knowledge to transfer; ACPP described the digital tools for a social and solidarity economy (SSE) ecosystem hosted on the Mediterranean Innovation Lab; Oxfam Italy shared different perspectives on policy co-construction from a position of policy watchtower.
The second part of the event was a brainstorming activity between participants. The starting point was to choose a word that summarised what the project has meant to each attendee. Then everyone explained his or her impressions after two years of implementation, now that MedRiSSE is ending.