In the first weeks of February and March 2019, Israeli ministries and agencies organise four EU-funded TAIEX workshops to improve and harmonize Israeli practices with those in the European Union.
On 5-6 February the Standards Institute of Israel hosted a TAIEX workshop to assist the chemistry laboratory staff of the Standards Institute of Israel with the implementation of the European regulations on food contact materials.
On 13-14 February, the Ministry of Environmental Protection will receive a TAIEX workshop on environmental regulations for pipelines, tanks, oil terminals, and other organic substances.
On those same days, the Ministry of Transport and Road Safety will host a workshop on individual vehicle approval.
A further TAIEX workshop will be held on 6-7 March at the Ministry of Environmental Protection on policy and guidelines for industrial wastewater.
TAIEX is the Technical Assistance and Information Exchange instrument of the European Commission. It involves peer-to-peer technical assistance and policy-support from EU Member States to neighbouring countries, by supporting public administrations in the approximation, application and enforcement of EU legislation as well as facilitating the sharing of EU best practices. It delivers tailor-made EU expertise in the form of workshops, expert missions or study visits.
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