Latest opportunities from the Southern Neighbourhood

June 24, 2019
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Have you missed any opportunities this week?

Click on the links below to find out the latest opportunities from the Southern Neighbourhood: Tenders, grants, calls for proposals and jobs from the European Neighbourhood.

  • Jobs opportunities, Trainings & Fellowships

Short-term expert for a final review of the results of the action “the rehabilitation of new and existing wadis in the governorate of Matrouh”, Egypt

Closing date: 15 July 2019

Programme Officer, EU Delegation to Palestine

Closing date: 08 July 2019

Funded traineeship for young graduates at the EU Delegation to Morocco

Closing date: 15 July 2019

Local Communication Officer, EU-funded Sleidse Project (Libya, Tunisia)

Closing date: 30 June 2019

ICT Manager, ECHO Regional Office in Amman – Jordan

Closing date: 26 June 2019

Financial support for international artist mobility

Closing date: 24 June 2019

2019 Call of Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships

Closing date: 11 September 2019


  •   Competitions & Events

The Summit of the Two Shores

Marseille, France 24 June 2019

UfM Meeting on Sustainability, Energy Efficiency, Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience in Housing

Barcelona, Spain 27 June 2019

EMNES Annual Conference 2019 – “Towards a regional integration and employment driven socio-economic model in the Mediterranean: A comprehensive policy roadmap”

Brussels, Belgium 27 June 2019

UfM workshop on social economy in the MENA region and the Balkans

Barcelona, Spain 05 July 2019

El Hiwar II Summer School on Euro-Arab Relations

Bruges – Brussels, Belgium 15 July 2019

Second UfM Energy and Climate Business Forum

Lisbon, Portugal 18 July 2019

EBRD Regional Business Forum 2019: Investing for growth and jobs

Tunis, Tunisia 17 September 2019


  • Call for Proposals & Tenders

EU support to economic and political studies in the Southern Neighbourhood

Closing date: 02 September 2019

Call for projects 2019 local cultural engagement fund, Tfanen Tunisia

Closing date: 30 June 2019

Call for strategic projects, ENI CBCMED

Closing date: 03 July 2019

EU 4 Youth Empowerment, EU Delegation to Lebanon

Closing date: 25 June 2019

Call for Application, MedUp Sub-granting Fund, Jordan

Closing date: 30 June 2019

Call For Proposals 2019, Erasmus+ Programme

Closing date: multiple dates

EBRD Opportunities for Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia

Countries covered:

  • Algeria
  • Egypt
  • Israel
  • Jordan
  • Lebanon
  • Libya
  • Morocco
  • Palestine *
  • Syria *
  • Tunisia