Latest opportunities from the Southern Neighbourhood

November 15, 2021
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Have you missed any opportunities this week?

Click on the links below to find out the latest opportunities from the Southern Neighbourhood: Tenders, grants, calls for proposals and jobs from the European Neighbourhood.

  • Jobs opportunities, Trainings & Fellowships

MSCA Doctoral Networks 2021

Closing date: 16 November 2021

Cooperation Project Officer, EU Delegation to Libya

Closing date: 25 November 2021

Press and Information Officer based in Tripoli, EU Delegation to Libya

Closing date: 25 November 2021

Press and Information Officer (Strategic Communications), EU Delegation to Libya

Closing date: 25 November 2021

Communication Specialist, European Training Foundation

Closing date: 08 December 2021

EBRD Know How Academy, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Closing date: 31 December 2021

  •   Competitions, Events & Webinars

Go2Market, Regional Hackathon & Acceleration programme

Closing date: 19 November 2021

Day of the Mediterranean

Online 28 November 2021

EBRD Literature Prize 2022

Closing date: 30 November 2021

Call for application for the 6X6 Reyada project, Libya

Closing date: 30 November 2021

Mediterranean Sub-Grant Adventure Tourism Competition, MEDUSA project

Closing date: 01 December 2021

Med Business Days 2021 – Business Operators

Closing date: 02 December 2021

  • Call for Participations, Call for Proposals & Tenders

Provision of Social media and multimedia services, EU Delegation to Syria

Closing date: 18 November 2021

Call for applications for social enterprises, Tunisia

Closing date: 21 November 2021

Smart City Solutions call for proposals, EU supported SME4SMARTCITIES project

Closing date: 23 November 2021

Communication services for the EU Delegation to Libya

Closing date: 24 November 2021

Second call for expressions of interest for Tunisian SMEs, INSADDER programme

Closing date: 30 November 2021

EU-funded NEX-LABS project is selecting 28 talented SMEs in the Mediterranean for a tailored training

Closing date: 30 November 2021

Call for Proposals to support Training and Capacity building projects, HOPES-LEB project

Closing date: 01 December 2021

Call for Expressions of Interest to support cooperation between regions, Algeria

Closing date: 15 December 2021

EBRD Opportunities for Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia

Countries covered:

  • Algeria
  • Egypt
  • Israel
  • Jordan
  • Lebanon
  • Libya
  • Morocco
  • Palestine *
  • Syria *
  • Tunisia