Lebanon: EU-funded programme presents strategy for land transport

December 14, 2016
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The EU-funded Support programme for infrastructure sector strategies and alternative financing (SISSAF) presented yesterday the new Land Transport Strategy for Lebanon at a workshop in Beirut.

The comprehensive strategy builds on thorough sector analysis, through numerous consultations with the key actors within the transport sector, as well as with the Lebanese population through wide surveys. It also expands towards key priority axes and necessary means for implementation.
The approach adopted in its design also aims at the integration of all environmental considerations into the strategy.
The main objective of SISSAF is to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery and financial sustainability in three Lebanese infrastructure sectors, namely energy, water and land transport, as well as the effectiveness of aid provided to these sectors.
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EU Delegation to Lebanon – website and Facebook page
EU Neighbourhood Info Centre webpage – Lebanon
Photo © EU Delegation in Lebanon


Countries covered:

  • Lebanon