The question was “How to achieve a better understanding of the multiple facets of innovation, and identify the factors that promote and emphasise the potential and challenges of the countries to the South of the Mediterranean region”. . This theme was at the centre of discussions initiated by the Euro-Mediterranean Forum of Institutes of Economic Sciences (Forum Euroméditerranéen des Instituts deSciences Économiques – FEMISE) and the Economic Research Forum (ERF). A ‘meeting of experts’ was thus organised on 18 January 2016 in Cairo, Egypt.
According to a press release dated 28 January, its theme was “Innovation: Towards a Research Agenda to Unlock South Mediterranean Potentials”. It presents the conclusions of these debates and starts off with a series of questions, one of which is essential, on how a country can become more innovative: “What are the drivers of innovation? Theories help us predict the future, but do we have theories to guide innovation?” The answers can be found in
the minutes of the meeting of the FEMISE-ERF group of experts.