Lebanese and Egyptian members of the “public-private dialogue mechanisms” (PPD) established in both countries to promote export and a green economy, as well as representatives of Chambers of Commerce, Association of Industrialists, Youth and Women Entrepreneurship Associations, came together on 14 and 15 September to explore new ways of policy dialogue outreach mechanisms for specific public policies at a training workshop organised in the framework of the EU-funded project Enhancement of the Business Environment in the Southern Mediterranean (EBESM).
The workshop provided a forum for knowledge sharing and debates on three main dimensions in favour of SMEs reforms, namely: elaborating a strategy for policy advocacy, drafting evidence-based position papers and enhancing negotiating skills.
The Lebanese and Egyptian authorities aim at strengthening and institutionalising a structured dialogue between the public and the private sectors to boost exports and to green the economy. These PPD mechanisms should allow to activate reforms in these respective domains and enhance the dialogue between both sectors.
The EBESM project aims to contribute to the improvement of the business enabling environment for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) in the ENP South through the strengthening of technical expertise and capacity of targeted public and private stakeholders.
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