People in different Palestinian villages and neighbourhoods couldn’t have not noticed the giant cyan blue billboards displaying figures and strong text messages about youth inclusion in political and economic life. The campaign was initiated by the EU-funded project NET-MED Youth members in Palestine in order to raise awareness about priority youth issues, touching upon young people’s participation in public policies, their representation in media and youth employment.
Ten billboards popped up in ten strategic locations in Gaza and the West Bank. Their messages mainly call passersby to think – each in their own capacity – about the importance of including youth in decision-making, integrating their voices across different media platforms and enhancing their skills so they can be better positioned in the job market.
The billboards were officially launched on 17 October 2016. A group of NET-MED Youth members walked around the streets of Kalandia – Ar-Ram and Biet Sahour – Soq Asha3b, and even made it to Bethlehem University. The youth leading the campaign explained and promoted the ideas behind the billboard messages to over 100 passersby and drivers and engaged with them in conversations about the way forward, and how youth can be at the driver’s seat of change.
The billboards will remain in their locations until December 2016, hopefully reaching out to more people and triggering their thought and action to further youth empowerment, engagement and representation.
NET-MED Youth aims to improve the access and effective participation of young people in mainstreaming their priorities into legislation and national planning in the Southern Mediterranean Partner countries. Specifically, it aims to build the capacities of youth organisations in ENP South countries and to enhance networking among them in order to reduce the fragmentation of efforts and harness the collective potential of young people in achieving democratic transition towards active citizenship, political participation and social inclusion.
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EU Neighbourhood Info Centre – Youth