The EU-funded project “Enhancement of the Business environment in the Southern Mediterranean” (EBESM) organised a high-level seminar in Amman, on 24 August 2016, on the “Role of Banks and Credit Guarantee schemes” to enhance financial inclusion for Jordanian MSMEs (micro, small and medium enterprises).
The seminar gathered more than 60 participants, including policy-makers, financial institutions bankers, representatives of the private sector, think tanks, academia and of civil society from Jordan as well as entrepreneurs and EU experts.
Discussions circled around the policies and the measures needed to ease MSME finance constraints and help them to grow, to be more competitive and thereby create jobs. The seminar participants made actionable recommendations, including on public policies, regulatory mechanisms and an enabling environment to enhance financial inclusion for MSMEs in the country.
The EBESM project aims to contribute to the improvement of the business enabling environment for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) in the ENP South through the strengthening of technical expertise and capacity of targeted public and private stakeholders. (EU Neighbourhood Info)
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