Terrorism: the regional responsibilities of Algeria

February 22, 2016
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The EU is not “entitled to speak on the need for intervention” in Libya, “because it is not a military force” stated Gilles de Kerchove, EU Counter-Terrorism Coordinator, in an interview published on 18 of February 2016 by the Algerian daily “El Watan” and posted on the website of the EU Delegation in Algeria.

“The position of the European Union is that of supporting the efforts to construct a Libyan government, as quickly as possible. We need a partner to try to find a solution to the multiple challenges of Libya” he said.
For de Kerchove: “lacking a central government as a dialogue partner, we conducted some discussions with the mayors of the Libyan towns. Once a legitimate government, supported by the Parliament, is in place, we can do much more”.
Referring to Algeria and its special role in the security of the entire region, he noted that it “has developed centres of expertise that could be very helpful”, Algeria has “a regional responsibility. The more it is involved in the region, the better for us. And then there is what we can do together, for example, structure the Libyan police”.
He recalled in the interview that the European Council has already decided “to intensify the EU’s engagement with its neighbours to try to create security and counter-terrorism partnerships”.
The subject concerns, in his view, the whole region: “we know that the countries around the Mediterranean are facing the same challenges: Morocco, Tunisia, and Jordan have many separatists fighting with ‘Daesh’ in Syria or Libya. So they will find themselves faced with the return of these fighters in their country”.

Countries covered:

  • Algeria
Human Rights