The EU Delegation to Algeria launches the “Mostaganem – Crossed Perspectives” photographic exhibition

May 29, 2024
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The European Union Delegation to Algeria is pleased to announce that a photographic exhibition, “Mostaganem – Crossed Perspectives” is being held from 15 May to 6 June 2024 at the Mohamed Racim gallery.


This exhibition will showcase more than 120 photographic works from the 4th Euro-Algerian Photographic Residency, which from 1 to 9 March 2024 in Mostaganem brought together twelve photographic artists from the four corners of Algeria led by three European mentors, namely Anna Bedyńska, from Poland, Gabriela de Giacomo from Italy and Vincen Beeckman from Belgium, under the artistic direction of Algeria’s Nora Zaïr.


“Following on from the previous residencies held in Algiers in 2011, Constantine in 2014 and Bou Saâda in 2021, this edition marks a new stage in our commitment to celebrating Algeria in all its diversity, cultural richness and emotional landscape. This initiative continues to stimulate the exchanges and to promote dialogue among artists passionate about photography on both shores of the Mediterranean,” declared H.E. Thomas Eckert, European Union Ambassador to Algeria.


As with the previous editions, the 2024 photographic residency was marked not just by the exhibition but also by a book containing a selection of the works. “This work invites us to dive into a new experience and to share the creative excitement and the artistic thirst for renewal expressed by the photographers,” Mr Eckert added. “I’m very happy that, year after year, the European Union contributes through our various cooperation projects and cultural diplomacy actions to enriching and encouraging this artistic creativity,’ he concluded.


The Euro-Algerian photographic residency “Crossed Perspectives” is a project organised by the European Union Delegation to Algeria consisting in crossing the perspectives from the two shores of the Mediterranean by means of photography. This project offers Algerian and European photographers a space for creating and sharing, allowing them to bring a contemporary view of the city of residency so as to promote artistic exchanges among enthusiasts of the third art.

Countries covered:

  • Algeria