The European Delegation in Tunis has published this year’s first quarterly newsletter, marking the celebration of 60 years of Tunisian independence on 20 March as well as 40 years of co-operation with the EU.
It is a historic year, Laura Baeza, the EU Ambassador to Tunis, says in her editorial. “Tunisia is situated in an area of crisis and is subject to a number of contradictory influences. But it is the only country on the southern shores of the Mediterranean that has clearly chosen democracy and is leading the field towards its end-goal: stronger links with the European Union,” Baeza says, placing special emphasis on the ‘desire for stronger links’ that is emerging.
Baeza notes that “the year has started off at quite a pace. With the visit by the President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, in February, the ongoing DCFTA negotiations and deepening cooperation, relations between the EU and Tunisia are becoming stronger every day, attracting the public’s growing interest on both sides of the Mediterranean, which can only be a good thing!”
She also announced that ‘Europe Days’ were to be organised by the Delegation, together with the EU Member States, and these would “provide the opportunity to present our action on the ground and to talk, face to face.”