Media and culture for development in the Southern Mediterranean region

Project Duration
2013 - 2017
€17 million

Countries covered:

  • Algeria
  • Egypt
  • Israel
  • Jordan
  • Lebanon
  • Libya
  • Morocco
  • Palestine *
  • Syria *
  • Tunisia

Brief Description

Contributes to inclusive growth by reinforcing the media and culture sectors as vectors of development
Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, the occupied Palestinian territory, Syria and Tunisia.

Actions in brief


  • Enhances the independence of the media in the region, complementing existing training sessions for journalists, enhances freedom of expression for cultural operators and for independent media (e.g. the public media sector continues its gradual shift from being a state-controlled propaganda tool to becoming a reliable source of balanced information respecting political pluralism and freedom of opinion);
  • Raises the levels of professionalism of both traditional and new media operators and helps them embrace a code of ethics based on principles that are commonly accepted internationally;
  • Promotes networking between journalism schools/faculties in the region to exchange best practices especially on issues related to freedom of expression and codes of ethics and promotes regional networking activities for media associations in the region;
  • Facilitates the creation of regional platforms that bring together national authorities, civil society organisations and media representatives to improve media legislation and facilitate media;
  • Contributes to cultural policy reforms and reinforces the capacity of cultural policymakers while promoting investment in culture and the development of cultural operators’ business capabilities;
  • Improves the access of the wider public to both independent new media and cultural and artistic creation and heritage, helps to secure bigger audiences for independent media operators including community media and increases the audience for cultural productions at local and regional levels;
  • Helps potential investors gain a better knowledge/understanding of the cultural sector.

Programme Action Fiche (page 11)

The following projects are funded under the programme:  
Med Culture is a 4-year (2014-2018) regional programme funded by the European Union to accompany partner countries in south of the Mediterranean in the development and improvement of cultural policies and practices related to the culture sector. The approach is consultative/participative and takes place in partnership with civil society actors, ministries, private and public institutions involved in culture as well as other related sectors. Med Culture’s ultimate goal is to pave the way towards the development of institutional and social environments that will confirm culture as vector for freedom of expression and sustainable development Webpage
Three grant projects are funded by the European Union within the framework of the Med Culture regional programme: Drama, Diversity and Development (DDD), SouthMed CV and Investing in Culture & Art in the South Mediterranean.
DDD uses culture to promote diversity and challenge discrimination against minoritiesandraises awareness of the role of culture in social cohesion in a wide-ranging but profound way.
SouthMed CV aims to bring culture from the margins to the center of the public sphere in the Southern Mediterranean, exploring its potential connections with economic, social and political development strategies.
SouthMed CV intends to foster the role of culture in social cohesion. It will do so by funding cultural and artistic innovative projects related to human rights, gender, diversity, social inclusion or environmental issues, preferably with a potential and multiplier long-lasting effect. It will also contribute to the development of capacities and skills of cultural operators, institutional strengthening of cultural associations and networks, exchange of expertise at regional level, and promotion of cooperation between cultural organisations and other actors in civil society.
Investing in Culture & Art in the South Mediterranean aims to support the development of projects, training measures and networking events as a forum for producers from the nine Arab beneficiary countries.
MedMedia: a regional technical assistance project aimed at creating an enabling environment for media reforms in the region, focusing on media legislation, regulation, programming, strategy and leadership with a strong focus on helping state media fulfil their public service mandate. It offers policy-makers, regulators, broadcasters and union leaders access to relevant experience and know-how from both sides of the
EBTICAR-Media project: a regional grant project aiming to support the development of online media in the south Mediterranean region by strengthening  the editorial, technical or financial competence of online media stakeholders, through the  award of 25 sub-grants for the most innovative proposals – website
Aswatona Fund for Media Development: a regional grant project aiming to foster media pluralism, public voice and civil society participation in the media in the south Mediterranean region and to strengthen, through community media, the voices of women, youth, remote and rural communities, and marginalised groups,  through the award of sub-grants  for five types of action: exchanges of experience and good practice; audience development and sustainability; cultural and social action media; promotion of media policy dialogue; and network development and solidarity – website 


Civil Society Culture Human Rights Media Migration Sustainable Development