EU Neighbours South highlights young entrepreneurs’ success stories!
In celebration of the #EU4YOUth Days, EU Neighbours South highlighted successful young entrepreneurs from around the Southern Neighbourhood region who received support from the EU.
10 articles (one per country and one regional) were published on the EU Neighbours South website (: LINK TO SUCCESS STORIES SECTION) , as well as
11 videos (one teaser, one per country and one regional) on social media promoting the youth’s projects:
One video per country:
- Palestine: Two sisters launched an eco-responsible clothing line combining ecology, social impact and community support / Article - Video
- Lebanon: Thanks to the support of the EU-funded Rural Encounters on Environment and Film Initiative, a young woman brings cultural life to rural regions of Lebanon through a four-day event filled with cinematographic and social activities centered on the environment / Article - Video
- Tunisia: Two young women developed an innovative way to turn plastic trash into modern, eco-responsible eyewear with the support of the EU-funded Minassa Lab project / Article - Video
- Morocco: one entrepreneur established his own start-up of natural cosmetics, thanks to the support of the EU-funded association ES Maroc / Article – Video
- Libya: A brilliant student in aerospace engineering developed a unique fuel-saving solution for cheaper and more efficient car engines as part of the EU4PSL competition / Article – Video
- Algeria: A palm tree exploitation project boosts local economy and social cohesion in southern Algeria / Article – Video
- Jordan: Through a variety of capacity building training and networking activities, the EU-JDID project helps dedicated citizens become engaged actors in their political system / Article – Video
- Egypt: Two sisters are taking part in the EU-funded Youth Led Cultural and Civic Initiatives to raise awareness about the importance of preserving Cairo’s ancient buildings and cherish the city’s shared heritage / Article – Video
One regional video to promote EU-funded opportunities in the following countries: Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey.