Amel Sdiri took her first steps into the world of music at the tender age of five through violin classes. “But it didn’t last long!” the young Tunisian remembers with laughter, as she quit only one year after.


“I started a little late,” she admits, “but I knew deep inside that music was my calling.” Now a renowned soprano and multi-faceted musician, Amel reignited her love for music at 11, when she took piano and violin lessons along with theoretical courses at the Conservatory in Tunisia. Graduating in Arabic Music Studies in 2010, she ventured into teaching Arabic music, singing, and violin.

Over the years, Amel’s dedication to music led her to teach in numerous conservatories, schools, and music academies. This is where she honed her skills in violin, singing, and choral direction. “With each year that passed, I became more and more involved in cultural events, with people starting to notice me and inviting me to perform,” the opera singer recalls.

She went from performing across Tunisia to the stages of Germany, the United States, France, and Belgium, where she is now pursuing her studies at the Royal Conservatory of Brussels.

“I kept performing in festivals in Carthage, El Jem, Hammamet, and Bizerte,” the soprano points out, saying that she also never lost sight of the importance of studying.

After earning her master’s degree in Music and Musicology in Tunis, Amel says she started to get “real international exposure, including at the Festival d’Aix-en-Provence through the EU-funded Medinea network.”

Her multifaceted approach to music has allowed her to experiment with various styles and create her “musical imprint” reflecting her Tunisian origins and diverse influences. “I don’t have a lot of limits,” Amel explains, listing her endless dreams of getting into musico-therapy, choral direction and teaching.

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“Travel, learn, be curious to enrich yourself but always come back to your roots. Look for opportunities but never forget that you have a lot of wealth in your own country.”
Medinea [ MEDiterranean INcubator of Emerging Artists ] was founded and driven by the Festival d’Aix-en-Provence with the aim of supporting the professional integration of young Mediterranean musicians, by developing intercultural projects that enhance dialogue, transmission, and mobility around the Mediterranean basin.
The network consists of cultural organisations of the music sector engaged in the dynamics of exchange and collaboration at the international level. They include higher education institutions, cultural centers, festivals, and music markets.

TANDEM Media Awards

EU Neighbours South is launching the 2nd edition of the TANDEM Media Awards, a regional media contest, funded by the European Union (EU). The competition is based on the concept of collaborations between pairs. The theme of TANDEM Media Awards is culture, an area in which the EU is active through different types of support and contributions.