EU Ambassador to Egypt James Moran will inaugurate on 5 June 2016 a new solar photovoltaic plant placed on the roof of the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce in the framework of the EU-funded project the EU-funded project ‘Fostering Solar Technology in the Mediterranean Area’ (FOSTEr in MED).
With a capacity of 30,750 kWh per year, the innovative pilot plant is one of the 5 implemented by the FOSTEr in MED project in the Mediterranean area. Other buildings equipped with solar technologies are: Balqa College in Aqaba (Jordan), the Lebanese University Campus in Beirut (Lebanon), the Centre National de Formation de Formateurs et d’Ingénierie de Formation (CENAFFIF) in Tunis (Tunisia) and the Regional Agency for Housing (AREA) in Cagliari (Italy).
The ENPI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme 2007/2013 is a multilateral cross-border cooperation programme funded by the European Union under the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument. It aims at reinforcing cooperation between the EU and partner countries’ regions located along the shores of the Mediterranean Sea.
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