EU condemns escalation in air strikes over northern Syria

October 4, 2017
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The European Union has condemned the recent escalation in air strikes in northern Syria, expressing serious concerns at the attacks across Idlib, Aleppo and Hama, in which hundreds of civilians were left dead and many more injured including children, women and aid workers. This is a clear violation of international laws and conventions”, said EU High Representative Federica Mogherini and Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid Christos Styliandides in a joint statement issued yesterday.


The EU recalls the strict obligation for all parties to the conflict to make the protection of civilians and civilian infrastructure their primary responsibility, in line with International Humanitarian Law. The EU will work with the rest of the international community to guarantee that there will be no impunity for deliberate violations of International Humanitarian Law,” the statement said.

Mogherini and Stylianides called on all parties to the conflict to ensure that humanitarian organisations can conduct their operations unhindered, adding that with hospitals and critical infrastructure in northern Syria severely damaged or even destroyed as result of the recent attacks, several humanitarian organisations have been forced to suspend their activities, further aggravating the human suffering.


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Press Release

Delegation of the European Union to Syria

Countries covered:

  • Syria *
Human Rights