EUPOL COPPS hosted gender units representatives of COM, MoJ and MoWA.

August 22, 2022
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With the aim to re-activate the National Committee on Legislation responsive to Gender, EUPOL COPPS hosted Ms. Hayat Bazzar, General Director of the Gender Unit, Council of Ministers, Mr Mustafa Habash, Director of Gender Integration and Development, Council of Ministers, Ms Rania Adwan, Director of the Gender Unit, Ministry of Justice and Ms. Ghada Ellyan, Director of Gender Integration and Development, Ministry of Women’s Affairs.

The consultation was a successful first step in a renewed joint commitment on the institutionalization of gender in the Palestinian Ministriesplans and policies, in which the scope and mandate of the committee will be further defined as a next course of action.

The Mission remains dedicated and will continue to support our Palestinian local counterparts by strengthening the public sectors’ capacities for the promotion of gender equality.

For more information 

Press release 

Countries covered:

  • Palestine *