How to coordinate between several departments to optimize the care for girls and women victims of violence at local level? What are the challenges faced for a better partnership with civil society? How to harmonize the procedures to ensure an adequate support for women victims of violence? These questions and others are being discussed at the international seminar organised by the National Commission on care for women victims of violence on 15 and 16 January in Rabat, Morocco, with the participation of European experts from Portugal, France and Spain.
The objective of this event, whose organisation is funded by the EU, is to enable the participants to exchange with their European peers who will present the practices in Europe. The seminar tackles the following issues: the templates and challenges of intersectorial coordination at the central and local levels; the funding of the management of care centres for women victims of violence; the opportunities, stakes and challenges of the partnership between the local authorities and the civil society.
Morocco is the only country in the world to benefit from the EU support in this field through the Support programme to the government plan for equality I/II (MOUSSAWAT) in which the importance of the fight to end violence against women is clearly stated, with a focus on prevention, protection, care and criminalization.
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Support programme to the government plan for equality I/II (MOUSSAWAT)