The EU has expressed its renewed regrets over the expansion of settlements and reiterated its concern that the peace process between Israel and Palestine might be compromised as a result. “On 25 January, Israel decided to declare 154 hectares of land near Jericho in the West Bank as state land, probably to permit further settlement expansion”, an EU External Action Service spokesperson said in a statement published on Saturday 6 February, about the latest developments in Area C of the occupied Palestinian territory.
The spokesperson also noted that on 3 February, several Palestinian residential structures in the south Hebron hills were demolished. “We call on the Israeli authorities to reverse the decisions taken and to halt further demolitions”, she said.
Area C is part of the occupied Palestinian territory. It forms almost 60 % of the West Bank and is home to 300,000 Palestinians. This area is fundamental to the contiguity of the West Bank and the viability of the future State of Palestine. It is under full Israeli administrative and security control.