Palestine: EU Police Mission funds training to improve quality of legislative drafting

July 7, 2020
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Nine legal personnel from the Palestinian Legislation and Advisory Bureau (the Diwan) completed a training on legislative drafting delivered on 16 – 25 June. The training was delivered by a Palestinian expert and funded by the European Union Police and Rule of Law Mission (EUPOL COPPS). It was the second of its kind and follows on from a similar training delivered between 12 January and 9 February 2020.
The aim of the training was to support the trainees to strengthen the quality of legislation being drafted in Arabic. In addition to the regular publication of legislation, Palestine has committed to transposing a number of international treaties and conventions into domestic legislation. For all legislation, it is important that the meaning and intent behind the legislation is clear – otherwise there may be serious misunderstandings.

The training is part of the ongoing support for the Diwan provided by EUPOL COPPS. On 30 June 2020, the Mission delivered IT equipment as well as printing materials to the Diwan. In addition, EUPOLCOPPS funded the printing of two guidelines on secondary and primary legislation which will be used internally by the legal personnel of the Diwan when reviewing, editing and processing the draft legislation.

EUPOL COPPS is the European Union Co-ordinating Office for Palestinian Police Support. The aim of the Mission is to contribute to the establishment of sustainable and effective policing arrangements and to advise Palestinian counterparts on criminal justice and rule of law related aspects under Palestinian ownership.


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Countries covered:

  • Palestine *
Human Rights