Upcoming MedTOWN webinar on social entrepreneurship initiatives in the Mediterranean

November 29, 2023
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As the MedTOWN project is entering its final phase, the time has come to showcase the achievements and learnings of the Pilot Projects that are being funded in Jordan, Tunisia and SpainMedTOWN project promotes the collaboration among the Social Solidarity Economy (SSE) actors and the public authorities in order to improve the provision of social services to vulnerable groups.

On that purpose, an online training course was developed and delivered in 6 mediterranean countries on how to co-produce social services in order to fight poverty, inequality and social exclusion. SSE actors that participated in the training had the chance to apply for funding under the sub grants scheme of the MedTOWN project to implement their own co-production initiatives and prove that multilateral partnerships can deliver better quality of services and have a greater impact on the social and economic integration of vulnerable groups.

For more information

Countries covered:

  • Jordan
  • Tunisia