Youth Empowerment and Sustainability Initiatives by EU Jeel Connectors in Jordan

June 27, 2024
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Recently, Areen Abu Shgair, EU Jeel Connector in Jordan, attended the event “Converters Meet Investors: Building a Sustainable Future” in Amman, alongside over 160 green entrepreneurs. This event underscored the importance of sustainability and innovation, showcasing the role of young leaders in driving positive change.

In another significant achievement, Ali Hammad, EU Jeel Connector to Jordan, met with HE Pierre Christophe Chatzisavas, EU Ambassador to Jordan, to discuss his award for Best Song in the Youth Empowerment Film & Song Competition, hosted by Mentor Arabia in the Palestinian Films and Songs Category. This achievement highlights the power of artistic expression in youth empowerment and advocacy.

At EU Jeel Connect, we are proud of the achievements and initiatives of our youth connectors like Ali and Areen. Their efforts in promoting empowerment and sustainability align with our mission to inspire and support young leaders across the region.

Countries covered:

  • Jordan