Arab Academy for Science Technology & Maritime Transport (AASTMT), Egyptian partner and Jordan Chamber of Commerce (JOCC), the Jordanian partner of the MAIA TAQA project – “Mobilizing new areas of investment and together to increase the quality of life for all” co-financed by the ENICBC MED program, are looking for expert instructors for training activities.
The objective of the MAIA-TAQA project is to develop and promote new innovative services for resource efficiency through the implementation of pilot projects in 3 Mediterranean areas in Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon.
Related to this investment AASTMT will realize a training of trainers on the topics of Jordanian legal framework applied to start up and SME’s working with solar thermal cooling services for buildings and building integrated photovoltaics. For this purpose, AASTMT is publishing a call for Expression of Interest (EoI) for the identification of expert instructors.