During the last COP21 of the Barcelona Convention held in December 2019, Mediterranean countries requested the preparation of a set of regional measures to support the development of green and circular businesses and strengthen the demand for more sustainable products (Decision IG.24/13). SCP/RAC together with a group of experts analysed the situation in each of the Mediterranean Countries and developed a proposal of recommendations to be considered for the preparation of the set of regional measures.
Before being reviewed by the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention, we are opening a stakeholders consultation process in order to consolidate the recommendations by integrating inputs from a wide range of stakeholders that could be involved in the implementation of the measures (policy makers, business support organisations, financial institutions, academia/research institutions, industries, Civil Society Organisations, experts, development agencies, etc.) or would beneficiate from the implementation of these measures (Start-ups, entrepreneurs, SMEs).
If you are one of those stakeholders, please have your say and participate to the online survey before the 10th of January 2021!
Attention! Before completing the survey, we strongly advise you to read the “Regional Summary of Policy Recommendations to Support the Development of Green and Circular Businesses in the Mediterranean” developed by the expert team under the coordination of SCP/RAC.