In November 2008, the Group of Transport Ministers of the Western Mediterranean (GTMO 5+) agreed on the creation of the multimodal network for the implementation of the trans-Maghreb corridor. The aim of this corridor is to link, by land, sea and air, the activity of the Maghreb, from Mauritania to Libya, with that of the northern shore of the Mediterranean.
In the last few years, the traffic of goods between the European countries of the GTMO 5+ (France, Italy, Malta, Portugal and Spain) and those of the Maghreb (Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco and Tunisia) has reached 30 million tons and is comparable to that of other large economic blocks such as Asia, North America or South America, according to the Centre for Transportation Studies for the Western Mediterranean (CETMO).
Read online an article of the forthcoming IEMed Mediterranean Yearbook 2020 about the challenges of the trans-Maghreb corridor in the Covid-19 era and, especially related to the air transport.