Jordanians hold a positive image of the EU, mainly recognised for its importance as a trade partner of the country and demonstrate a high and increasing subjective knowledge about the institution.
There has been an increase of + 6 ppt since 2021 in the proportion of respondents who believe they know what the EU is all about (64%).Just over a third (35%) of Jordanian respondents say that they do not know about the EU, down by – 6 ppt from 2021.
The proportion of Jordanian respondents who have a positive image of the EU has increased (75%, + 5 ppt since 2021), while the proportion expressing a negative sentiment has remained extremely low (4% compared to 5% in 2021).
The proportion describing themselves as neutral remains at 20%.
Amongst those who have a positive image of the EU, the main reason mentioned by 55% is that the EU is an important trade partner for Jordan.
Only 40 respondents believed that the EU has a negative image. Of these, a quarter (25%) mention the absence of religious values with a similar proportion (23%) who believe that the EU does not do enough to help the Jordanian people.
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Opinion Poll Jordan 2022 (Summary of findings)
Opinion Poll Jordan 2022 (Full report)