Halfa Heritage: ToukaCreation Reviving the Craft in Kasserine

July 29, 2024
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ToukaCreation is a brand that was born on August 18, 2022, thanks to the vision of its founder, Meriem Helali. The brand specialises  in the promotion of Halfa, a plant with unique and authentic properties. ToukaCreation stands out for creating exceptional products, from decorative items to flooring and utility items, all made with a deep respect for local nature and culture. Meriem’s work embodies the very essence of Tunisian art, highlighting traditional know-how while bringing a modern and elegant touch to each creation.

The Beginning of Meriem’s Journey: Weaving Heritage into Opportunity

Meriem’s journey began in 2021, in the middle of Covid-19 lockdown. From her home, she started crafting heritage pieces, weaving Halfa grass into intricate designs. She initially sold her creations to contacts and acquaintances through her Facebook page. “I learned from my mother how to weave,” Meriem reminisced. “Then, of course, I attended official training and earned a certificate, but it was my mother who taught me.”

Meriem’s journey with Creative Tunisia started when her modest venture caught the eye of some Creative Tunisia team members who discovered Meriem’s Facebook page and saw the potential in her work. They reached out, encouraging Meriem to apply to Creative Tunisia and professionalise her craft. At first, Meriem hesitated. “You know, I’m a mother and a housewife,” she said, “I was wondering, what about the house and the kids?” But Creative Tunisia’s encouragement was unwavering, and by the end of 2022, Meriem joined the Halfa Cluster. 

Her first major exposure came at the 2022 Kram fair, the “Salon de la Création Artisanale,” a prestigious event held annually in Tunis. Artisans from all over the country showcased their work, and Meriem was thrilled yet anxious. “It was my first fair, and a big surprise. I did not bring back any of the pieces I brought with me; I sold everything.” This success reassured Meriem and marked the beginning of a new chapter for her and her workshop, ToukaCreation.

After the fair, Meriem returned home with a stack of orders from impressed customers who had seen her work. “I didn’t have enough staff, and I knew that timely fulfilment was crucial for retaining clients,” she explained. As soon as she got back, she began reaching out to local women familiar with Halfa weaving. Even if they weren’t experts, she offered to help refine their skills and correct any mistakes. Together, they quickly managed to complete all the orders, and as word of their craftsmanship spread, more requests began pouring in from across Tunisia. 

Empowering ToukaCreation Through Creative Tunisia

ToukaCreation is one of the many artisanal entreprises supported by Creative Tunisia’s Halfa of Kasserine “Cluster,” a group dedicated to preserving the traditional weaving techniques of the region. The high plateaus of central-west Tunisia, where Halfa grass is harvested and processed, held a special place in Meriem’s heart. The laborious techniques of weaving and braiding were passed down through generations, and Meriem was determined to keep this heritage alive.

Thanks to Creative Tunisia, her workshop has recently been transformed into a modern and functional space. “Creative Tunisia has generously equipped our workshop,” she said “Thanks to these initiatives, our workshop has become a place conducive to innovation and growth.”

Creative Tunisia, a component of the EU-funded Tounes Wijhetouna program, is a project to strengthen the value chains of crafts and design in Tunisia which aims to support the competitiveness of the crafts and design sector, in order to ensure a rise in product range and access to national and international markets. 

Creative Tunisia is funded by the EU, with a financial contribution from the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, and implemented by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). 

The project supports seven clusters and provides technical assistance to support structures, other economic entities, and associations in the field of crafts and design. It also sets up centres intended to improve the competitiveness of the sector across the country. This holistic and integrated approach aims to support the Tunisian economy by creating decent and sustainable jobs, especially for young people and women.

ToukaCreation Expansion: Empowering Women Through Training 

Meriem Helali has now trained over 60 women, transforming her workshop into a vibrant hub of collaboration. Creative Tunisia played a crucial role in this expansion, supporting the training programmes, with a particular focus on empowering young women. “Fifteen were young, unmarried women, trained fully over two months,” Meriem shared with pride. “They are now working with me.”

While not all collaborators work continuously, they mobilise quickly when large orders come in, often completing them within a week or two. This efficiency and dedication have allowed Meriem to secure and retain major clients, including big stores in Tunis, Sfax, and Sousse. These stores purchase significant quantities of Halfa-based products, which they successfully resell, consistently returning to place more orders. “They buy quite a significant quantity, and they manage to sell them and come back to place more orders,” Meriem noted, highlighting the steady demand for her creations.

The 2023 edition of the Kram fair was another milestone for ToukaCreation, marked by resounding success. “I sold it all ! ” Meriem exclaimed. Her clients frequently praise the personal touch she brings to her work. “The clients always tell me they love the way we bond, the way I know which piece they would love and are looking for. I try to find the best piece, the best fit for my client, not the most expensive one.” This thoughtful approach not only fosters customer loyalty but also reinforces the reputation of ToukaCreation as a brand deeply connected to its roots and dedicated to quality and customer satisfaction.

Innovative Path Forward

Most recently, Meriem embarked on a highly publicised collaboration with designer Myriam Naili. Supported by Creative Tunisia, they created a collection of Halfa products entitled “Ifriqya,” blending tradition with modern design. The artisans of ToukaCreation, guided by Myriam’s artistic vision and supported by the Creative Tunisia team, brought to life unique pieces that showcased a harmonious fusion of contemporary aesthetics and artisanal heritage.

Meriem explains: “Myriam gave us new ideas and helped innovate the work. It was truly ingenious, how to colour Halfa in natural colours and create designs like olive leafs or cactus, reminiscent of the natural surroundings here.” 

Meriem’s innovative spirit didn’t stop there. Inspired by the fabric waste from a nearby factory where her brother worked, she decided to incorporate discarded fabric into her Halfa creations. She now has this new line of products in the works, emphasising sustainability and innovation while maintaining the artisanal essence of Halfa weaving. “The idea of recycling and creating something new from waste resonated deeply with me,” Meriem explained. 

Through ToukaCreation, Meriem is not only preserving a precious part of her heritage but also fostering a love for this craft in the next generation. The future of Halfa weaving shines bright, woven with threads of tradition, innovation, and sustainability.