EUNAVFOR MED IRINI: New Operation Commander appointed

June 24, 2024
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The European Council appointed Rear Admiral Valentino Rinaldi as EU Operation Commander for the European Union military operation in the Mediterranean (EUNAVFOR MED IRINI). He will take command from Rear Admiral Stefano Turchetto on 19 July.

Rear Admiral Rinaldi has a long-standing experience in the Italian Navy, where he assumed command of various units of the Italian fleet. He was recently Force Commander of “Operazione Mare Sicuro”, and Commander of Amphibious Task Force throughout 2022 NATO Response Force and during “Cold Response-22” exercise.

He was Force Commander of Operation IRINI from 1 April to 30 September 2023.

EUNAVFOR MED IRINI was launched on 31 March 2020, shortly after the Berlin Conference on Libya in January 2020, as a concrete EU contribution to the process set up by the international community to support the return to peace and stability in Libya. Its current mandate runs until 31 March 2025.

For more information

Countries covered:

  • Libya