To maintain momentum and help foster the approaches, techniques and tools that Vocational Centres of Excellence (CoVEs) need to maintain the highest standards of state-of-the-art skills training, the European Training Foundation (ETF) is hosting a two-day online conference on 11 and 12 March on “Centres of Excellence as engines for vocational education and training development.” Streamed from the ETF’s headquarters in Turin, Italy, it will be open to members from across the network.
Organisers say the event “aims at continuing dialogue among centres of excellence from ETF partner countries and the EU” and “will be organised on two half days to allow for interactivity amongst participants to foster discussion and peer learning and facilitate networking.”
On the morning of Thursday 11 March, results from 2020 will be in focus, looking at how CoVEs and partners worked together to use partnerships to add value. Friday 12 March will look at priorities for 2021.
Last year the European Training Foundation (ETF) launched its Network for Excellence, bringing together an international network for CoVEs in the EU neighbourhood. The network, unique in the world of vocational education and training, has 144 CoVEs registered in eight EU countries, 15 partner countries and six countries in Africa.
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