The Joint Research Centre (JRC) have published a new module of the course “Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy – Cities taking action against climate change” on the EU Academy platform.
After covering the GCoM initiative, the climate change mitigation and adaptation pillars, JRC have now focused on transversal topics that allow creating a sustainable environment for citizens and local assets, overall improving their quality of life and consolidating the success of the Climate Action Plan.
Module 5 covers topics of great interests for local authorities when working on the sustainability of their territories and complement basic notions used for developing their Climate Action Plans: Air quality, Local energy generation and Emission factors, Stakeholder and citizen engagement, Multi-level governance of climate action, Financing local climate action.
The GCoM course on EU Academy allows participants to have access to an integrated set of contents and materials collected into a single and unique learning experience. The journey is self-paced.
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